Medicine and science

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Ramón Córdoba Palacio


The author makes a recount and analysis of the opinions expressed by differents thinkers that have discussed about the place that the medicine occupies in the classification of the human knowledges, discussion which we find concepts about personalities as Ortega and Gasset, Anzenbaeher, Marañón and Lain Entralgo, thouse go since the consideration that is just an "art", ars medical, until who say it's a natural science. He presents a critic about two tendencies that could change the honest job the physician: The scientificism and the "technificism". Then he explains the Laín Entralgo's teachings, who defines it as a "medical anthropology", as the scientific study of the man as a subject who could suffer a disease, as a subject who in fact is suffering it, in regarding to can be technically helped to get out from it, if he suffers it, and he becomes to suffer it, if he's healthy, and in regarding that he could die, and sometimes he dies, as a consequence to have suffered it.

Medicine Sciences Medical Anthropology Scientifism and 'Technificism

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Author Biography

Ramón Córdoba Palacio, Pontifical Bolivarian University

Professor of Pediatrics at the Universidad de Antioquia and the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Medellin Colombia.