General guide for submitting and submitting manuscripts

The authors must have the following observations on their manuscripts:

Every article must be original and unpublished. The submission of an article to the editorial process of the magazine does not imply its publication, which will depend on the process of evaluation and editing of the text.

The article should not be postulated for publication in other magazines.

It is mandatory for authors to post their manuscripts through the Open Journal System (OJS) editorial management platform

The Editorial Committee of the Psychological Information magazine has the discretion to accept the rejection in a first instance of the postulated articles according to the completion of the formal aspects of the presentation here.

When the article has been received, the editor will inform of its reception and the review process by the editorial committee begins, for its subsequent assignment of peer reviewers.

Once approved, it is sent to two external referees who determine the relevance of publishing it (a double-blind peer review is carried out). In the event that one arbitrator approves and another rejects it, a third party will be appointed to decide whether or not to include the article.

Similarity detection (possible plagiarism)

The result is communicated to the author (s), with their respective sources requesting their comments before defining that it is a plagiarism behavior and, consequently, not editable. Turnitin software is used, and the final decision is made by the publisher, although the similarity index returned will be considered.

Types of articles accepted for publication

The magazine accepts to publish on its pages preferably the following types of documents according to Publindex:

Scientific and technological research article. Document that presents, in a detailed way, the original results of research projects.

Cut article. Brief document that presents preliminary original results, part of a scientific or technological investigation that, by general, requires a prompt diffusion

Review article. Document resulting from an investigation from which it is analyzed, systematized and integrated results of published or unpublished investigations, on a field in science or technology, in order to keep track of advances and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 60 references, the structure of these articles will consist of: Summary, Introduction (Plantation subject to review), Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and References.

Formal aspects and structure of articles

The articles sent must be original documents and comply with the necessary conditions of coherence, cohesion, clarity, concreteness, relevance and centrality that have been communicated.

It should be made clear that the submission of the article guarantees that the authors do not infringe the author's rights and that the work has not been published in another magazine, it is not yet under evaluation.

The document must be sent in Word, it will have a maximum length of 15 pages, letter size, in letter "Times New Román", size 12 points in space of 1.5, with left and right marbles of 3 cm and top and bottom of 2.5 cm, to be published.

For authors interested in presenting articles if they follow the following recommendations, for the purpose of complying with the best APA style rules, which allows their article to enter the data bases.

The preparation of the article must be carried out according to the Manual of Style of Publications of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th. edition.

As indicated, the articles must be postulated through the Open Journal System (OJS) editorial management platform

The writings can be sent in Spanish, Portuguese, English or French and will be published in their original language. It is necessary to add the article in a summary in English if the article is in Spanish, as well as for other languages.

Each article will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee, which will define its relevance. Subsequently, the article will be sent to two external peers or referees who will evaluate its quality. According to your recommendation, the article may be accepted for publication, accepted with modifications or not accepted.

In case of being accepted with modifications, the article will be sent back to the author for correction, in a time defined for him.

When the article is accepted for publication in the public, it may be published in another medium without written authorization from the magazine.

Having in mind the previous one, it is important to review before sending the article that is organized in the following sections and that its length does not exceed 15 pages.

1. Title: The title must have around fifteen words.

2. Authors: Full names of each of the authors, level of academic preparation, together with the institute in each work and electronic mail for their contact.

3. Summary: It must be a paragraph of a maximum of 150 words, within which they must be included in order of the following elements: Objective, method, results and conclusions.

4. Introduction: It must be composed of several paragraphs in any contextual context of the studied construct, if necessary to include epidemiological data, including the bibliographic review of the studied topic with respect to the research on which research is carried out, contributing recent references. Finally, incorporating both the problem and the objective to which research is taking place.

5. Method: This section must contain both the participants (description of the myths including media and deviation of age, inclusion and exclusion criteria), instruments (with their authors, description of the myths, validity and reliability) as well as the procedure.

6. Results: This segment should explain clearly and concisely the results obtained in the studio. If you can include a maximum of six illustrations between graphics and tables, which will allow you to understand the results in a more straightforward and orderly manner.

7. Discussion: In this section we compare the results obtained in the investigation with similar published investigations and the theoretical and methodological constructs; it is necessary to have a quote to support this section.

8. References: The articles must count with at least 25 references except for the review articles which must include a minimum of 60 references, preferably from the last 10 years, according to the norm (APA), 7th. edition and should include references to articles in this journal.

Title, author(s) and summary.

Title: specific and informative, 15 words approximately.

Names of the authors: Full names and names of the last names.

Institutional affiliation:

Institution or institution where the authors work at the time of making the study.

If there is any change at the moment of the article in the Magazine with respect to the current institutional affiliation, please inform it.

If any author has no institutional affiliation, specify the city and department / state of residence of the author.

Full name of the department / academic unit of which each author is affiliated.

Send the postal address of the main author, e-mail address and telephone number for future correspondence.

Inform special circumstances about the article (if parts of it are presented in an academic setting, if the article is based on the work of some student, if it is the partial report of a study, if there is any relationship that could be perceived as one conflict of interests, financing, among others).

Levels of titles and headings

The levels of the titles and headings should reflect, with precision, the organization of the writing. Also, all titles and headings of the same level must appear in the same format.


The summary is carried out in a single paragraph that overlaps the 150 words and must enable the reader to have a clear idea of ​​the set of the Scientific and Technological Research Article by specifying: objectives, method, results, discussion and conclusions . If it is an empirical investigation, information about the method should summarize the essentials about participants (include number) and instruments.


Which defines the content of the article and facilitates your search on the basis of data. At least 5 words and maximum 10, lowercase and separated by commas. It is recommended to use key words that are usually used in scientific literature to describe the theme. It is suggested to use specialized thesaurus terms for the corresponding disciplines.

Abstract y keywords

English version of the summary and key words.


Justify the text and use space and media interlining.

The leaders must adjust to the American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Style Manual, 7th. Edition.

Use cursive for the presentation of a new tag (after which it has been used once, in the cursive scribe).

If an author has the last names, if they must unite the misms by means of a script, otherwise the last name will appear, the last name will be used as the second name in the form of initials.

In the text, within parentheses, it is necessary to order the quotes alphabetically. In addition, all textual citations must include page numbers.

To present an evaluation tool, the correct form of quote is to include the complete name of the instrument, open parentheses, include acronyms followed by points and coma, the authors, coma and the year, closing parentheses. For example: Perceived Stress Scale (PSS; Cohen, Kamarak & Mermelstein, 1983).

Do not use a zero before the decimal fraction when the number cannot be greater than 1; for example: correlations and levels of statistical significance, the correct form is p <.05, r = .30, α = .76

Correctly describe the "Participants" section: it must be expressly specified how the sample was obtained (randomly or incidentally), as well as whether there were inclusion or exclusion criteria.

Study limitations should be included in the "Discussion and conclusions" section.


Check that, in the text, the numbers of all footnotes are correctly placed.

Tables and Figures

All figures and tables must be mentioned in the text and numbered in the order in which they are presented. Capitalize the words Figure 1, Table 2, etc. in the text.

Explain the abbreviations of the tables and figures in the notes to the tables and figure legends.

It will not be necessary for the data already included in the text to also be presented in tables; In the means, standard deviations, correlations and other statistics that allow it, the number of decimal places will be simplified to two; The use of 3 horizontal lines is recommended (two upper and one lower) and that vertical lines are not included, according to the 7th edition of the Manual of Style of Publications of the American Psychological Association (APA).


All references cited in the text must appear in the list of references at the end of the article. These must be complete and organized, according to the 7th edition of the Publications Style Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).

References must be arranged alphabetically by the first author's last name.

In the "References" section, you should use French indentation with the Paragraph Format function, never breaking the lines with line returns, or using tabs. The word “and” should be replaced by “&” in the references section (as well as when authors are cited in the text within parentheses).

The doi (Digital Object Identifier) ​​or the web access link (retrieved from http: // ...) must be included in each of the articles and web pages consulted.

Copyright notice

Those authors who have publications with this journal accept the following terms:

a. Authors will retain their copyrights and guarantee the journal the right of first publication of their work, which will be simultaneously subject to Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 License.
b. Authors may adopt other non-exclusive licensing agreements for the distribution of the version of the published work (eg, deposit it in an institutional electronic file or publish it in a monographic volume) provided that the initial publication in this journal is indicated. .
c. Authors are allowed and recommended to disseminate their work on the Internet (eg in institutional telematic archives or on their website) before and during the submission process, which can lead to interesting exchanges and increase citations. of the published work. (See The Effect of Open Access)

For the total or partial reproduction of the articles, the source must be mentioned.

Privacy statement

The names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this magazine and will not be available for any other purpose or person.