Sleep Hygiene Index: Dimensionality, internal consistency, and nomological validity among Colombian medical students Índice de Higiene del Sueño: Dimensionalidad, consistencia interna y validez nomológica en estudiantes de medicina colombianos
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This study aimed to determine the dimensionality, internal consistency, and nomological validity of the Sleep Hygiene Index (SHI-10) among medical students in Santa Marta, Colombia. A psychometric study was designed to determine indicators of validity and reliability in which 309 medical students between 18 and 39 years (20.83±2.68) and 54.69% were female. Construct validity was tested through confirmatory factor analysis, internal consistency, and nomological validity through correlations with the Athens Insomnia Scale, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Patient Health Questionnaire. The four-dimensional structure of the SHI-10 showed adequate indicators of goodness of fit; however, the internal consistency of the four dimensions was less than
.70 and limited nomological validity (less than .30). In conclusion, the four dimensions of the SHI-10 present low internal consistency and limited nomological validity. More studies are needed to show the psychometric performance of the SHI-10.
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