
Este portal aloja las revistas científicas, académicas y de divulgación editadas por la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Su objetivo es difundir el conocimiento en acceso abierto para el disfrute de la comunidad. Las revistas funcionan bajo un modelo editorial sin cobros por publicación o procesamiento de artículos (APC) y cumplen con las políticas de calidad y de ética según estándares nacionales e internacionales.
La Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana está comprometida con la difusión del conocimiento, el intercambio de ideas, la reflexión y el debate académico en la dinámica de la ciencia y la sociedad del conocimiento, mediado por la cultura humanista.
  • Analecta política

    ISSN: 2027-7458 | ISSN-e: 2390-0067 | DOI: 10.18566/apolit

    The Analecta Política journal is a scientific publication belonging to the Political Science program, which is attached to the School of Law and Political Science of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín-Colombia. Its objective is to present research results and reflections on political theory. Likewise, articles that contribute to this field from the perspective of the history of political ideas, democratic representation, behavioral sciences linked to politics or cultural studies are accepted. It is aimed at academic and research communities interested in political science, and it promotes discussion and debate on social problems that concern those communities at the national and international levels.

    Keywords: political theory, political behavior, democratic representation, history of political ideas.



    Publications are made continuously every six months (January-June and July-December). Reception of proposals for publication closes on June 30 and December 31 of each year.

  • Comunicación

    ISSN: 2390-0075 (Online) |  ISSN: 0120-1166

    DOI: 10.18566/comunica
    Comunicación is the biannual journal published at the Faculty of Social Communication-Journalism of Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín-Colombia. It was created in 1975  with the aim to present the reflections and research results in the field of Communication, Social Sciencies and Humanities as a contribution to the discussion and debate among its readers as well as the local, national and international academic communities.

    Keywords: Communication; Social Sciences; Humanities; Journalism; Public relations.

    Open access: Comunicación is an open access journal totally free (free access and free of charges), both for readers and authors, which only retains the publication rights of the works, favoring the reuse and self-archiving of their articles in databases, repositories, international directories and information systems. The journal has a Creative Commons 4.0 NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) and is included in DOAJ.

  • Cuestiones Teológicas

    ISSN: 2389-9980 (Online) | DOI: 10.18566/cueteo
    The Cuestiones Teológicas Journal is a publication edited by the School of Theology of Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Its main topic is focused on the great areas of theological knowledge, Fundamental Theology, Dogmatic Theology, Biblical Theology, Moral Theology, Pastoral Theology and Church History, from interdisciplinary positions, seeking to generate an open dialogue with current culture. Its purpose is to present the results of researches developed by national and international researchers and professors, with a particular interest on presenting the aspects of the methodology and the methods used for the research, in order for them to contribute to the theological knowledge.

    Keywords: Fundamental Theology, Dogmatics, Bible, Moral, Pastoral, Church History, Spirituality, Interculturality.

  • Escritos

    ISSN: 2390-0032 (Online) | DOI: 10.18566/escr

    Escritos is a semi-annual journal of a scientific nature, published by the School of Theology, Philosophy and Humanities of the Pontifical Bolivarian University, which disseminates unpublished articles derived from research, theoretical reflections, academic debates, translations and critical reviews in the lines of Philosophy and Literature, especially in Ethics and Philosophical Anthropology; Hermeneutics, Aesthetics and languages; Classical Studies; and Latin American Literature and Thought. The Escritos journal's mission is to contribute to research, discussion, and the dissemination of philosophical and literary thought in the declared lines, and it constitutes a discussion forum for the academic work of national and international professionals related to the aforementioned thematic areas.

    Keywords: Philosophy; Literature; Literary theory; Ethics; Philosophical Anthropology; Hermeneutics; Aesthetics and Languages; Classical Studies; Latin American Thought.

  • Informes Psicológicos

    ISSN: 2422-3271 (Online) | DOI: 10.18566/infpsic
    Biannual publication of the School of Psychology of the Pontificia Bolivariana University. Collect results of scientific research and reflections in social areas of psychology, in order to promote the exchange knowledge and opinions. The contents of the journal is aimed at the students, teachers, researches, graduates, professionals of the social science areas and to the readers related to this knowledge. 

  • Medicina UPB

    ISSN: 2357-6308 (Online)| DOI: 10.18566/medupb

    Aims and Scope: Official publication of the School of Health Sciences of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, its objective is the publication of articles of excellent quality in the themes of the basic and clinical health sciences, public health, health administration and related areas . The journal is aimed at students, teachers and researchers and is open to the participation of authors from outside the publishing entity. UPB Medicine has a biannual publication period (two issues per year: January-June and July-December).

    Open access declaration: Medicina UPB publishes in open access without charging a fee to the authors. When an article is published, anyone has immediate access to the full text for reading, downloading, distribution and printing without the need for registration, subscription or payment.

  • Revista de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas

    ISSN: 0120-3886| ISSN-e: 2390-0016 | DOI: 10.18566/rfdcp

    The Revista de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas is a scientific publication of the law program of the School of Law and Political Sciences of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellin – Colombia. The journal presents results of research processes and some reflections of the political environment, in order to allow readers to have new interpretative perspectives. Revista de la facultad de derecho y ciencias políticas is aimed to academic and research communities of law in order to discuss and debate on legal issues, which concern the national and international communities.

    Publindex -Colombia category C

  • Ingenio

    ISSN: 2011-5822 (impresa)
    Para dar a conocer, de manera simple, los avances científicos y con alto nivel de innovación, desarrollados en las mismas aulas de clase, por parte de los grupos de investigación, los semilleros y las unidades de transferencia de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, nació la revista Ingenio, publicación de divulgación científica y juvenil.

  • Revista institucional | UPB

    ISSN: 0120-1115 | ISSN: 2422-362X (En línea)
    La Revista Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana es el medio de divulgación de la filosofía e identidad de la Universidad, la voz institucional, una publicación anual de acceso libre. La Revista, en sus versiones impresa y digital, presenta en cada número un tema de interés global, abordado desde diferentes ópticas que aportan una visión holística a nuestra realidad. El compromiso de la formación integral como eje transformador de lo humano y lo social encuentra en la Revista un punto de apoyo y la difusión del pensamiento universitario un instrumento idóneo, en cumplimiento de la política editorial de la UPB.

  • Universitas Científica

    ISSN: 1692-0155 (impreso)| ISSN: 2462-8662 (En línea)
    La revista Universitas Científica es una publicación de carácter divulgativo que tiene como propósito dar a conocer en un lenguaje sencillo los resultados de la producción universitaria en las tres áreas del saber de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, tales como: Ciencias de la Salud, Ciencias Humanas y Sociales e Ingenierías.

  • Revista de la Facultad de Trabajo Social

    ISSN: 2390-0059 (En línea)
    Publicación oficial de la Facultad de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Su temática abarca los campos de las Ciencias Sociales en general. Su objetivo es presentar algunas reflexiones e investigaciones de actualidad en estos campos del saber. Los contenidos de la revista están dirigidos a los estudiantes, docentes, investigadores, egresados y profesionales de éstas ciencias.