Theological criteria for gospel inculturation and the via pulchritudinis

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In his infinite wisdom, god desired that there would be an unfathomable accidental inequality among human beings, expressed in the most varied psychologies, aptitudes, ways of being, gifts, tastes, lifestyles and so on, thus enabling them to more perfectly reflect His infinite attributes. This great diversity of qualities naturally tends to be realized and expressed through the emergence of a marked diversification of cultures. This cultural diversity – when imbued wich the spirit and light of the Gospel – constitutes an extraordinary and precios reflection of the beauties and perfections of the Creator.  The evangelization of peoples and civilizations must never lose sight of this important fact by seeking to impose on them a single, uniform and globalized culture. On the contrary, is should seek out – in the pre-existing culture of each people – the elements which constitute its specific “semina Verbi”, namely its unique qualities, assimilating them to the degree that they are in accordance wich the spirit of the Gospel, promoting their complete unfolding and development, and enriching and ennobling them in the light of Christ. Concomitantly, they should be purified of everything which constitutes the marks of original sin, since cultures, being the fruit of human action, are also subject to the laws that govern them therefore, the inculturation of the Gospel in specific people is not merely another element in its process of evangelization, but is, rather, the primary goal of this process, because a faith that is not transformed into culture is a faith that is not fully lived out. Furthermore, the expressions of beauty, in their myriad forms, become a rich and most efficacious means by which this people can contemplate and experience the splendors of Uncreated Beauty.

Inculturation Gospel and culture Inculturation and beauty Evangelization and cultural diversity Pulchrum and evangelization


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Author Biography

, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Licenciado canónico en Teología con énfasis en Doctrina Social de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Medellín- Colombia; Miembro de la Asociación Internacional de Derecho Pontificio Heraldos del Evangelio; Saó Pablo-Brasil.