Life, basis for the religious dialogue

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Mario Alejandro Arias J.


Current Theology displays a keen interest in being directed towards ways of unity. The following paper aims to respond to that interest through a synchronic exegesis of the passage John 4, 46-54. It is concluded that the dialogue of the religious pluralism requires as basis the connection of two important axis of Theology: life and faith. The main thesis consists of highlighting life, with its exegetic and theological linkage, as the centre of the entire development of John
2-4, being also the main topic of John 4, 46-54.

Synchronic Exegesis Syntactic-linguistic Analysis Structure Religious pluralism Faith-Life


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Article Details

Author Biography

Mario Alejandro Arias J., Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Magister del Studium Biblicum Franciscanum de Jerusalén (2001) y teólogo de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana C.C 98.499.057. Docente en la Facultad de Teología de la Universidad San Buenaventura, Sede Bogotá. Pertenece al Grupo de Investigación “Teología, Biblia y Religión”. Artículo dedicado al P. Fabio Hernán Carmona Moreno (q.e.p.d), padre y amigo, maestro y hermano.