e Cultural Dimension of the Christian Fact

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Agostino Molteni


This article aims to show synthetically the possible contribution given today by the cultural dynamics of faith. Following this line the author points out
the theological factors implied in this dynamics. His methodology follows a fundamental theological re$ection on the Biblical data given by the New
Testament and the tradition of the Church. After putting the basis of what could be understood as “human culture”, the author shows "rst the false perspective of the present “modernism”; further on, he draws on the importance of the “event” category to identify the nature of Christianity. These two considerations are essential to give a well balanced presentation of the cultural dynamics of faith.  Then follows the enunciation ot the dynamics itself whose roots are always in the ecclesial communio and whose de"nition could be the systematic and critical development of belonging to this communio. The conclusions reached by the author suggest that an e%ective reconnaissance of the cultural dynamics of faith could be a meaningful contribution to the presence of the Church in the world in those culturally fragmented days.

Christian fact Christian culture Communio Culture Cultural dynamics


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Article Details

Author Biography

Agostino Molteni, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Doctor en Literatura italiana (Universidad de Trieste, Italia); Licenciado en Teología (Ponti"cia Universidad Lateranense, Roma). Es profesor de Teología Fundamental en la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Chile y profesor de Teología Fundamental y Cristología en el Seminario Metropolitano de Concepción.