Literary Rhetorical Analysis of Rm 8, 31-39

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Saúl Nicólas Duque


This article deals with a detailed commentary in the second part of the peroration of Rom 8, 35-39, whose main and well known line is God´s love manifested in Jesus Christ; this is the love that cannot be threatened by anything challenging the human existence or any creature strong enough to separate the Christian believer from it. We will follow the analysis verse by verse, phrase after phrase, even words taken individually, having in mind its morphological, syntactic and semantic appearance which make up the second part of this hymn, full of beauty and style.

Biblie New testament Exegesis Rethorical analysis Pablo


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Author Biography

Saúl Nicólas Duque, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Magíster en Teología Bíblica de la Pontificia Univerasidad Gregoriana – Roma. Sacerdote de la Diócesis de Sonsón, Rionegro.