The School of Chartres and Quadrivium’s Tradition

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The school of Chartres was a relevant center of knowledge in the 12th century. Chartrian thought became renowned due to its scientific scope which aimed for the study of the laws of nature based on the scientiae rerum, i.e., the quadrivium. Through mathematical sciences and by making use of abstraction, men could intellectualize the phenomena they saw in nature and interpret the laws they observed in the universe. Following a historical and hermeneutical approach, the paper aims to list the main sources of such a neoplatonic thought, which range from Latin neoplatonic authors to Carolingian renaissance masters, in order to understand how, through these four sciences of things (scientiae res), Chartres became one of the most important centers for the study of the liberal arts and a forefather of modern nature sciences.

School of Chartres Mathematics Quadrivium Science Middle Ages


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Author Biography

, Sociedad Clerical de Vida Apostólica Virgo Flos Carmeli

Doctor Canónico en Filosofía (2012) por la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Medellín, Colombia). Es sacerdote de la Sociedad Clerical de Vida Apostólica Virgo Flos Carmeli y miembro de la Asociación Internacional de Derecho Pontificio Heraldos del Evangelio.