Sympathy of dogmatic formulation. a theological approach from the perspective of J.H. Newman's parochial and plain sermons

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Mauricio Albornoz


Religious faith is practical: it is a reality in which the supernatural grace that
precedes it, and that makes it possible, is melted with the human conditions
required to embrace and experience it. In accordance with such understanding
of the theology of faith, J. H. Newman’s Parochial and Plain Sermons, preached
between 1824 and 1843, pose the believer experience as a realization instead of
an abstraction. The article aims to prove this suggesting sympathy by revealing
the qualitative mediation of the dogmatic formulation, which, in the proposal
of Newman, is presented as sympathetic to the meaning of faith within its
practical dimension.

J. H. Newman Parochial and Plain Sermons Religious Faith Religious Experience Dogmatic Formulation


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Article Details

Author Biography

Mauricio Albornoz, Universidad Católica del Maule

Doctor en teología dogmática (2015), Académico de la Universidad Católica del Maule, Chile. Grupo de investigación; Círculo Latinoamericano: Newman, sus fuentes y comentadores. Este texto fue presentado en el Coloquio Internacional, John Henry Newman y los desafíos contemporáneos, Guadalajara, 2015.