Cuestiones Teológicas (1974-2016) of Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana: 100 Issues of an Intellectual and Jheological Project of Interpretation

Main Article Content

Camilo Atehortúa Henao
Catalina Castrillón Gallego


The aim of the article is to present a historical overview of the journal Cuestiones Teológicas of Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana on the publication of the 100th issue after 42 years of existence. Based on a database created with the previous 99 issues and highlighting the academic richness of the theological debates held through all these issues, three variables that characterize the transformation through its years of existence are presented: i) the change from being an institutional means of dissemination to its establishment as an international debate scenario, ii) the commemoration of some important dates (e.g., the Fifth Centenary of the Discovery of America, the publication of some encyclicals, and the celebration of some ecumenical councils) that encouraged the reflection of the authors, and iii) the relevance of the perspectives and topics developed by some of the professors at the Department of Theology. It is argued that the conditions of transformation through time (commemorations were important moments for the authors) and the material conditions (Printing workshops, Publishing houses, among others) that were crucial for the stability of the journal, contributed to the academic and intellectual entrenchment of the theological debate in the University.

Cuestiones Teológicas Department of Theology at UPB Intellectual History Serial Publication


Revista Cuestiones Teológicas N. 1-99.

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Author Biographies

Camilo Atehortúa Henao, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Estudiante del programa de Historia, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Medellín, Colombia. 

Catalina Castrillón Gallego, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Doctora en Historia de la Universidad Nacional, Medellín, Colombia (2013).