The Love of God Becomes more Human:A Look from the Beatitudes

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Carolina Vila Porras


Based on a literature review in the field of theology, the article considers the way in which the love of God becomes more human. Therefore, the article studies in depth the humanization of God and the divinization of the human being, the ideas of human being and being a Christian, and the transforming force of the beatitudes. The article also offers some thoughts concerning the meaning of the beatitudes and their role in Christian life. Such need to live the Christianity and preach it in the more human possible way is derived from an evangelical instruction, which is reproduced in the first Christian community: " will be my witnesses..." (Acts 1, 8; Cf. Mk. 16, 15; Mt. 28, 19-20; Lk. 24, 46-48; Jn. 15, 27; 22, 15; 1 Jn. 1, 1-3; Mt. 10, 17-18). It is also a constant claim of those who demand to Christians of all times to be witnesses able to radically live the teachings of Jesus and his option to the kingdom, where loving the neighbors is real.

Beatitudes Love Christian Humanism Praxis


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Article Details

Author Biography

Carolina Vila Porras, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

Teólogo (2010) por la Pontificia Teresianum de Roma, docente de Teología en la Universidad Católica Luis Amigó (Medellín), Colombia, miembro del grupo de investigación Teología y Filosofía Crítica de la misma Universidad, estudiante de Maestría egresada no graduada por la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Medellín-Colombia), el artículo es un avance del trabajo de grado de Maestría: "Ser cristiano hoy: propuesta humanizadora en Mt 5, 3-10".